Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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come along? And you know for a fact that he’s real. The dream guy, well you don’t know much about it. He could be real in some odd way or he could just be made up, but until you know for sure, maybe you should go with both.”

I knew she was making sense, but someone saying that Peter may not be real made me defensive and upset. I tried to hide it, but didn’t succeed.

“You look upset.” Lisa said with sad eyes.

“I just don’t know what to do. Last night he just faded…like into thin air.”

Lisa’s eyes went from side to side as if in thought. “Well, maybe it’s a sign you should be with Dave?”

The thought of settling for someone else made me want to throw up. But I knew it was all a dream, literally.

“Yeah, maybe. Look you guys,” I said, swallowing down tears, desperately holding my emotions in. “You go and enjoy your date, I’m gonna watch some TV before getting an early night’s sleep OK?”

They looked at each other, slightly embarrassed by me calling their little get together a ’date’.

“Cool, OK, I’ll call you tomorrow, if I don’t see you before you go to bed,” Chris said, reading me like a book, I needed to be left alone. He knew I didn’t like getting emotional in front of anyone. Lisa gave me a sympathetic look and then they walked into her bedroom. I heard them putting on some soft music and chatting away.

I sat there not paying any attention to what was on TV. After a while I decided it would be better if I just tried to get an early bed. Maybe I could put some soft music on as well and just try to relax. I had work tomorrow and Christine had some important magazine reporter coming to the gallery and I needed to be on my brightest, best behavior.