Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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When I was done, they both sat silent and still. Lisa with her mouth slightly open before she finally spoke. “Oh my God, that sounds so romantic! What do you

think it means? Maybe in your dreams you meet like in a parallel world or something.”

Chris raised his eyebrows. I know it sounded crazy and I wasn’t one to believe in supernatural things, but the dreams had felt so real to me. I didn’t know what to think.

“Suppose it could be,” I said.

“OK girls,” Chris cut in holding his hands up in protest. “It’s a DREAM OK, just a dream. Alex is obviously afraid of commitment and she probably saw this dude in some random commercial or something. I think you’re over thinking this Alex. And besides, if I were you, I would enjoy both guys, it’s not like you’re cheating, he’s not even real.”

As soon as he had said it he seemed to realize there was a girl in the room he was meant to impress on and suddenly looked embarrassed. Lisa folded her arms and looked down at him as he was sitting and she was standing.

“Charming,” she said sarcastically.

“Erm, Lisa I was just kidding. Besides, it’s Alex we’re talking about. I would never do such a thing.” He emphasized ’I’ and just seemed to be digging his whole.

“Sure you wouldn’t.” She uncrossed her arms and focused her attention on me instead.

“This is an emotional thing right, you’re just gonna need some time. And I hate to say this, but maybe Chris has a point.”

Chris looked smug as she said it.

“I mean, you shouldn’t stop seeing Dave. He really does seem great and I mean, how often does a great guy