Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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like I can’t remember. Believe me, I have had thoughts of schizophrenia.” He laughed and I joined him briefly. “But I’m guessing you’d have told me if that was the case?”

“Trust me, you do not have schizophrenia,” I said giving him a quick kiss on the lips. “It does frighten me too though. It’s like you said, maybe we both vanish, but I never want you to. It’s like it’s out of our control.”

He put the palms of his hands on my cheeks heating them.

“We’ll just make the most of it until it happens again OK?”

I smiled a little sad smile thinking of our limited time together.

“OK,” I said as we started walking again.

I couldn’t see more than a few yards away and was a bit shocked when all of a sudden we stepped out of the forest and in front of us there lay a large field. Further on the sea was lying like a black velvety blanket soothing the earth in its sleep. Silhouettes of boats sailing the horizon. Even though it was night, there was light but very far away. It felt remote and untouchable but as bright and lovely as the lights had been in the other dreams.

“Was that the same light we saw?” I asked. “Yeah, I think so.”

“It seems really far away.” “Yeah, it does.”

We walked further out on the field. It felt softer walking here and it reminded me of the field in the dream where I had first spoken to Peter.

I heard an odd swooshing sound and turned my head to my right. Everything looked still and I couldn’t understand the sound. Then I felt a huge shudder as a whirling mass of all kinds of things that were hard to