Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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identify crashed down mere yards from us. I thought I saw photos of Peter, cars, homes, larger buildings, but they were off scale. Mixed in were leaves and dirt. It was like a monster of a tornado right in front of us. Peter squeezed my hand tight as I held on to him.

“What is that?” I shouted, fear taking over. My hair blowing in my face making it hard to see.

“I don’t know, looks like a tornado.” He paused briefly as we stepped back staring into the swirling mass. “I recognize some of those things. I think they’re mine. Or were mine…I don’t know what’s happening.”

We started running back towards the forest but we weren’t fast enough. The tornado was lifting Peter up into the air. I held on tight to him as he was being sucked up. ’Let go’ I heard a voice in my head.

“NO!” I yelled, tears running down my cheeks. “I won’t let go!” I said looking him in the eyes. I wasn’t getting sucked up at all by the strong winds and had my feet firmly on the ground. He looked at me with fear in his eyes as he faded away like he had before, a see- through veil that became thin air. I closed my eyes and as I opened them I was sitting up in my bed. The rain drumming against the window like it had before. I kicked off the covers and shivered as I sat there, my cheeks wet from tears and a feeling of total despair.