Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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I took out my phone, feeling in a better mood, and texted Dave. ’Hi Dave, no worries, you didn’t come on too strong, it’s just a personal matter. Sure, let’s have a glass of wine some evening after work?’

I wasn’t sure if it was a great idea to meet him but I knew he was a good guy, and I also knew they were hard to come by. Apart from Peter, but he was only available in my wildest dreams. It took less than a minute to get a reply. ’That would be great Alex, how about Wednesday?/ Dave x’ I replied back: ’Sure, Wednesday is fine. X.’

I thought I heard giggling from Christine’s office, which I thought was odd and unrecognizable since I hadn’t ever actually heard her giggle. I sneaked closer, letting curiosity get the better of me. She was talking to someone on the phone.

“Oh stop it, you’re embarrassing me…but thank you….your place? But mine is better…OK, I’ll see you for dinner later, bring a bottle, you know the kind I like.”

I bent my body trying to sneak a peek. Christine was fiddling with her hair…she never fiddled. The woman was clearly in love. First the flowers, then this. Plus the fact that she had acted a little odd the last week or so, like today when she gave me an actual compliment…in front of someone else!

I saw her turning her chair and I hurried away before she could see me.


Mum called just as I had got back from work, chilled from the cold air outside, it hadn’t rained but it was blowing cold and I hadn’t layered enough.

“So how was your weekend? And how’s Dave?” She spoke as if we were a couple who had been together for a long time.