Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“My weekend was fine. I went out with Lisa and Chris, who seem to have sparked up a romance,” I said to hopefully distract her from the Dave question.

“Really, well that’s nice. Did you meet Dave?” Damn…it didn’t work.

“He’s fine mum, but we’re just getting to know each other, more as friends than anything else so please stop asking.”

“OK dear, no reason to act all offensive, I just care about you and want to hear what’s going on in your life.”

“Yes, yes, well it’s fine. Mum, was there anything else? Cos I kind of need to go, I’m desperate for the loo,” I lied, simply wanting to get off the phone.

“Yes actually, have you spoken to your sister yet?” “Yeah, we’re meeting this week. She seems fine mum,

but I’ll check, I promise OK.”

“Thanks dear. Your father sends his love. We’ll see you soon, maybe I’ll pop by and you and I can have lunch or something?”

“Sure mum. Give my love to dad, speak soon.” Then we hung up the phone.

Lisa opened up her bedroom door in dance clothes and her hair up.

“Hey Lisa, you dancing in that tiny room?”

“Just stretching and going over some choreography, mostly in my head but some of it I can actually do in here, although I keep on hitting things,” she said with a laugh that came out as a snort.

“Hey, did you dream about that guy again last night?” she said as we walked into the kitchen and sat ourselves down by the table. I looked out the window, picturing Peter getting dragged into the tornado.

“Well what happened?”