Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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then I screamed. I screamed so hard that my throat felt raw.

A glow took over his body and he started vanishing, like he had before.

“No no no, I’m not ready!” I yelled out. I tried grabbing onto him but he was like a ghost.


I felt a hand on my side shaking me and then I was back in my bed, Lisa sitting by my side with her hand on my shoulder and big worried eyes.

“Alex, you were screaming and crying in your sleep.

What’s going on?”

I couldn’t speak. It felt like Peter truly had died. My eyes scattering all over the place and at last rested on Lisa. She put her arm around me and I wept like I hadn’t wept since I was a child, but that had only been physical pain, this was worse, much worse. This pain was mental to the point where it felt physical as well. Aching in places I didn’t knew I had. My chest felt hard, making it difficult to breathe. Lisa was silent, just being there holding me, like I was a broken child who had just lost a parent or something. Inconsolable.

It took a good ten minutes or so to calm myself down enough to start talking to Lisa. She handed me a tissue as I loosened my grip on her nightgown, which was wet from my tears.

“I’ll get you a glass of water,” she said and walked to the kitchen. Less than half a minute later she was back with a large glass of water that I took a tiny sip from, more out of politeness for her bringing it than anything else, and then I put it down on my bedside table.

“Do you want to tell me what that was all about?” she said with a small gentle voice. I stared down at the blue