Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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broken bones.

“What happened to you?”

He put his palm on my cheek, it felt cool. “I think it’s time for me to go.”

What did he mean by that?

“No!” I almost yelled at him. “You said you’d never leave me.” I was choking up, not being able to hold back my emotions. He had such a kind gentle look.

“Alex…my Alex, I don’t want to leave you, trust me. But I feel like my body is giving up. I have this feeling I’m meant to move on, but that it’OK. I don’t feel afraid, and you don’t have to be either.”

“Well, can’t I come with you?” Tears falling down my cheeks and on to Peters chest. He wiped my cheeks softly with his hand.

“She said it doesn’t work like that. I asked.”

“Who said?” I asked, feeling angry at whoever said such a thing.

“That angel I told you about.” I thought for a second. “Did she by any chance have golden hair and crystal blue eyes?” I said a little too sharply. He looked puzzled.

“No, she had silver hair I think, there was light everywhere so I couldn’t really tell.”

I felt anger boiling inside me. Even though she might have been an angel, what right did she have to decide his fate like that? I needed him. I looked down at his kind eyes and realized with a jolt how selfish I was being. He didn’t look well, maybe he was going on to a better place. I had no right to keep him here. As the thought hit me, I heard a whisper in my head again: ’It’s time to let go’.

“Alex,” his voice low and strained. “I love you.”

The light in his eyes died away and he lay still like a stone. My breathing felt hard, tears escaping my eyes and