Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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situation. I was happy I had told Lisa and Peter everything. It didn’t make me feel as alone as I might have felt if I couldn’t talk to anyone about it, although I was pretty much rock bottom now. I was happy I had told them before this nightmare happened. Lisa seemed understanding. Chris would be more logical about it, but I needed both.

I took a deep breath and pushed hard on the mattress, the covers slipping off my body. I glanced over at the painting. ’I love you’, he had said, had I said it back, no I hadn’t. I had been too distraught at the time to even think straight, but I did love him, more than I had loved any other man, and I guessed I would never love like that again. My heart ached.

My throat was dry so I grabbed the glass of water Lisa had brought for me in the night and let it flow down, I was thirstier than I thought.

As I got to the bathroom and looked in the mirror I saw how puffy my eyes were. I never normally cried, maybe my body just wasn’t use to it. I had a quick shower, hoping the water would help wake me up. It did, but only slightly.

Lisa had left a note on the fridge as I went to grab another glass of water. It read: ’Hi sweetie! Hope you’re feeling better now. I’ll call you during the day, maybe we could do something fun later? Loads of love! Your roomie xoxo.’ And she’d put a little heart at the bottom. I was lucky to have her as a roommate and as a friend.


Christine looked up as I handed her a cup of coffee and she frowned.

“Didn’t you sleep at all last night? You look even worse than yesterday. Maybe you should see a doctor, we can’t