Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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have you looking like this in front of clients.”

I pressed my lips together and looked away in an effort not to cry.

“I know I look awful. I didn’t sleep well, I think I may be coming down with something,” I said, giving her an excuse over the way that I looked rather than the truth that I doubted she would want to hear anyway. Christine leaned back on her chair.

“Well, keep your distance please, I’d rather not catch it if you don’t mind.”

“Yeah, I’ll keep my distance, don’t worry.” I was glad to keep my distance and it’s not as if we ever hugged anyway so the chances of her catching some bug that I was carrying was minuscule. Not that I had a bug. And I didn’t think ’broken heart’ counted as one, though it felt worse than most bugs.

“Oh, and don’t go near Adele,” she added.


I spent the day trying to press down my emotions and was failing miserably. I was however managing not to cry but the insides were paying the price. I wasn’t hungry when it was time for lunch and I didn’t really want to go out so I stayed in the office until Christine ordered me to go get more coffee for her. It was a clear day with a few clouds in the sky. It felt more like dark clouds though but that was just my state of mind.

My mobile rang as I stood in the queue at Costa’s, it was Lisa.

“Hey Lisa.”

“Hey sweetie.” She had a soft high tone as she spoke, almost as if to a child. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m OK.” I lied. “Thanks for the note, that was really sweet.”