Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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failing. I looked down at my hands. “It just felt so real you know…I’ve never had dreams like these before. I haven’t remembered a lot of my dreams at all come to think of it, until these dreams started over a week ago.” I gazed up at Lisa and Chris. “I’m really tired though. I need a good nights sleep. Maybe I’ll feel better tomorrow.”

Chris was looking at me.

“You’ll be fine Alex. I know it’s hard to hear this, but I honestly think it’s your own fears that mustered up these dreams of the ¨perfect guy¨”, he said as he held his hands up with two fingers on each hand. “I think part of you is scared now that you’ve met Dave that seems like a great match for you, you’re scared of trusting it.”

Chris was wrong. It couldn’t be true, if it was, then my psyche was playing a very mean game with me.

“I know how it sounds Chris.” I sounded a little too angry. “It sounds like I’ve gone mad. Like I’m a little girl that’s dreaming up prince charming and who’s having a tantrum because she can’t have him. But he was real to me, he IS real to me.”

Chris put his hands up in defense, his palms facing me. “I’m sorry Alex. It’s just, you know I don’t believe in

anything supernatural, and I just want what’s best for you. I can see that you’re clearly upset about all this. I just want you to see what’s in front of you, that’s all. Don’t let good things pass you by.”

Lisa was looking skeptically at Chris.

“Well I still believe there’s a possibility there could be something else. Like he might be from a parallel universe or maybe he’s on ’the other side’, you know, like in spirit.”

Chris rolled his eyes.