Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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My stomach was aching with hunger when the pizzas finally arrived, I hadn’t eaten all day and was starting to feel the absence of food kicking in. I ordered a Hawaiian. We put on a new sci-fi film that had just come out. I’d told them that I didn’t want to watch anything romantic, so they had rented a sci-fi action film staring Tom Cruise.

I sat to the left of the couch eating my pizza from the carton, Lisa sat next to me in the middle and Chris sat next to Lisa. They were holding hands at times discretely and exchanging looks. There seemed to be chemistry there and it was nice to see.

I ate almost half my pizza before putting the other half on the table in its box, feeling full. Lisa and Chris were drinking wine but I had skipped that idea, I was tired enough as it was and I didn’t think wine would help much with my mood either.

“Good film,” Chris announced when the titles at the end were rolling.

“Yeah, it was,” Lisa agreed. “Tom is always a good actor.” She turned to me. “Did you like it?”

I had tried to focus on the film, feeling like it would be a good distraction, which it had been for a while but I had drifted off in my mind, thinking of Peter lying by the lake, pale and motionless and it made my stomach ache.

“Sure, it was OK.” I answered her. Lisa gave me puppy eyes.

“How are you feeling hun? Come on, you can talk to us.”

I went quiet for a couple of seconds figuring out what I was going to say. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to talk about it but I decided I needed to.

“I feel awful.” I shook my head, trying to smile but