Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Chapter 24




I opened my eyes and I was standing in the field again. It was as it had been before when I had met Peter for the first time. The apple trees were in bloom with flowers and luscious looking red apples. The air was warm and the grass felt soft on my bare feet again, the sky a glorious blue and the sun standing high. I was wearing a long white dress that flowed gently in the breeze. My hopes raised. Maybe Peter was alive again.

I started breathing heavier, my heart raising. I skipped towards the lake calling out his name. There was no answer. Then I noticed something odd. The sky was getting darker and my legs were starting to feel cold. I turned around and felt myself gasp out of shock. The apple tree that had only seconds ago been in full bloom was now dark looking, a few rotting apples at the foot of the tree and not a flower in sight. I turned around and started running towards the lake.