Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“Peter!” I called out as loud as I could.

“Please Peter, where are you?” My throat felt thick.

It had turned windier, it was making my hair flow around me and over my eyes making it hard to see.

I closed my eyes and as I opened them again I was standing on the mountain ledge. It was warm again, I was wearing the same white dress. The sea glistening from the sun. Boats with all kinds of people, varying in age, gender, ethnicity and skin colour. They weren’t looking my way though, their backs turned against me.

I saw the tree we had climbed. Beautiful flowers growing on it. Peter was nowhere on the ledge so I decided to climb up the tree and throughout the cloud bank, maybe, just maybe he’d be there.

I started the climb, remembering where we had put our feet the last time. I felt a little more uneasy without Peter behind me making me feel safe, but the thought of me climbing to a place where he might be spurred me on. The higher I got though, the thinner the branches became.

There were no flowers at all and it gradually got darker and colder. The branches feeling hard and wet, as if it had just rained, making them a little slippery. But I didn’t care, I felt desperate and was letting that desperation guide me. I got to the cloud bank and started climbing through it. When I came out of it my heart dropped. The top of the mountain was there but it didn’t look anything like it had before. I couldn’t see the stars, there were just heavily black clouds, cold icy rain falling on my face making my cheeks feel numb with cold. The grass on the mountain side was brown and dirty looking. I breathed in deeply, trying to focus on what was happening. With a heavy heart I started climbing back down, but as I was going through the cloud bank I couldn’t see where to put