Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Chapter 25


An unexpected Kiss


I opened my eyes to darkness and gazed at my alarm clock, it was only four am. I had been crying in my sleep. My pillow felt wet from where I had pressed my face against it. I rubbed my eyes and thought of nothing at first, just staring into the darkness. Then I thought of the way I felt and realized that I had never felt this kind of pain before. Sure I had been upset, like when I had been bullied at school or when my ex-boyfriend had cheated on me, or other life situations where you feel down or hurt.

But nothing really compared to this. I would rather have broken both my legs. Physical pain was probably better. Not that one could choose.

I had to get some more sleep if I was going to manage getting up at all later. So I closed my eyes and tried to only think of nice things, like waterfalls or stars. But it was like a light had gone out inside of me. I stopped my mind and thought of nothing instead, leaving only