Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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careful, like he was afraid I might brake or run off if he made a mistake, which shocked me a little, I’d thought of him as very sure of himself, but now, he didn’t seem like that.

“I can see it in your eyes that you are a little tired, but you’re still very beautiful.”

I laughed a little but thanked him as I took off my coat and sat down on the red fabric covered bar chair.

Dave was looking as charming as ever, all suited up. Women were glancing his way, I had noticed as I had walked over to him.

We ordered two glasses of red wine and chatted about our day, neither of us wanting to talk about what had happened at Bannerman’s where he had kissed me clumsily and it had all gotten a bit awkward.

We’d sat there for about ten minutes when I heard my name being called out by a voice I recognized as my mothers. I froze, thinking I might just have imagined it. Having my parents meet me when I was in the middle of a date wasn’t really what I wanted. Especially when I was in a very confused state of mind over what to do about the whole situation and my feelings towards Dave and Peter.


I felt a hand on my shoulder and low and behold, it wasn’t my imagination, it was in fact my mum and dad, in the flesh. OK, I thought to myself, I can handle this.

“Mum, dad, what are you two doing here?”

“Well we decided to go for something to eat, we’re hardly ever out and we didn’t have much in the fridge so we thought that we’d go out for once.” She stopped talking as her gaze landed on Dave, who was smiling and listening intently to my mum. “Hello, I’m Alexandra’s mum, Kirsty.” She said as they shook hands and he lent