Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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over to kiss her cheek which made her blush a little, she clearly loved it.

“I’m David.” He said as he let go of my mum’s hand and took my dads hand in both his hands giving it a warm friendly ’mans’ handshake.

“Hello David, I’m William, Alex’s dad.” “Lovely to meet you,” Dave said.

My mum was looking like she’d discovered a big present, which might promise grandchildren.

“What a lovely coincidence,” she said putting her hand on her chest and smiling.

“Yes,” I cut in. “This IS a coincidence. How come you’re here?”

My mum shook her head and lowered her shoulders whilst giving me a troubled look.

“Darling, this is where your father proposed to me, don’t you remember? Surely we told you that?”

I slapped my hand against my forehead. She was right, how could I forget. They’d only mentioned it once or so but I hadn’t remembered the name of the place and as Dave had suggested The Bank Bar I hadn’t thought twice about it. But they never really went out anyway so it was in fact a huge coincidence nevertheless.

“So David, are you from Edinburgh?”

Dave looked quite happy, and just by the way he looked at my parents I could tell how good he was at charming people.

“Yes, I am. I have travelled some but Edinburgh is my favourite place to be. It is so beautiful and interesting… like your daughter,” he said and smiled at me. My mum and dad both looking impressed by his comment.

“Yes ,yes they are, both the city and my daughter.

Would you mind if we joined you,” my mother suggested.