Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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to be afraid. You are never alone.”

“Are you my guardian angel?” I said with a jolt, realizing that’s what she might be and feeling happy about it. Like having your personal bodyguard or ’spiritual guide’.

“You could say that.”

I thought for a moment. “Where is Peter?”

“He is where he is meant to be now.”

“Where is that?” I was listening intently now.

“He is where he is meant to be, that is all I can say.”

I wanted to push it but I got the feeling there was no use in trying. I had a more important question for her anyway.

“Is he happy? At the place where he is now?” “I believe so.”

Maybe she meant heaven. I’d want him to be happy wherever he was and heaven was surely the best place for that. Even though I was starting to feel the hole in my heart again.

“Are you his guardian angel to?”

“No, although I watch over him sometimes as well because you two are connected.”

“We are?” As I said it, I realized I had always known.

I’d felt it from the moment we’d met. I suppose it was just nice to hear her say it.

“Will I ever see him again?” I was terrified of asking but I had to know.

“Some day, yes. I believe you will.”

“When?” The words just popped out of my mouth, like a child being unable to contain excitement.

“Do not dwell on things that fall out of your reach.” I suppose I had that one coming. Maybe I’d see him