Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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for ages.

I don’t know how long I sat there, it could have been seconds, minutes, hours or days.

There was a slight flicker of a light drawing closer and I heard soft beautiful singing. I gazed at it coming closer and closer. It wasn’t until it was right in front of me that I saw what it was. A beautiful woman with long golden hair and crystal blue eyes was standing in front of me. Her skin was like porcelain. She was wearing a beautiful glowing, long, white dress. She was slim and didn’t look strong physically but she felt powerful. Not in an intimidating way, it felt more like she would protect you from all the harshness of the world. Almost motherly.

I realized I recognized her. In my other dreams. Before, when I had seen her, it had felt as if she was warning me and telling me to stay away from Peter. But now, it didn’t feel like that somehow. I had questions for her that I needed answered though. I had been enjoying the light and not wanting anything else, but seeing her made me remember and with the memories came emotions and questions. I opened my mouth, trying to figure out what my first question would be. It took a few seconds. She sat down softly next to me, as if she was made of the finest silk that just melted down onto the ground, she looked at me and smiled. Her eyes, big and wide and understanding.

“Who are you?” I almost whispered.

“They call me Erin when I am in this form,” she said. Her voice so soothing I had to focus on listening to what she was saying.

“In this form? What other forms do you take?”

“I don’t think you would quite understand, and you do not need to know. All you need to know is that I am always here. Always watching over you, you never have