Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Chapter 27


An Intervening Mum


My radio clock woke me. Chatter from the radio DJ’s joking about some embarrassing toilet situation. I stretched and yawned, waking up my body. I was happy to feel like I had actually got some proper sleep.

As I got up to make myself a cup of tea I thought about the angel in my dream, Erin. I wondered if it was all true, was she really watching over me? Did everyone have guardian angels? If so, how come there were so many suffering people in the world? Those guardians can’t be doing their job very well, I thought and frowned. I felt a pain in my stomach. Why couldn’t she just take away this horrible feeling of loss that I was carrying around? Maybe it was up to me to get through it myself and grow from it. I thought of one thing though, after having had that dream, I knew somehow that I would be OK. It would be hard as hell, but I was going to live life to the full, like I