Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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should. I would treasure my memories with Peter as long as I lived. Then, if I was lucky, I would meet him when I died. Wishful thinking maybe but who knew? The last couple of weeks had been the oddest, most wonderful, emotionally tiring and crazy time of my life. I didn’t know I could feel so much in such a small period of time.


I knocked on Lisa’s door but there was no answer. She was either sleeping or had already gone for the day, I decided not to open the door in case I woke her. I felt like I wanted to talk to Lisa, tell her about my dream. But it would have to wait until later.

I got myself ready for work, which felt easier now that I had slept well. The puffiness under my eyes had gone down and the dark circles were diminished. I drank a glass of orange juice just to get something in my stomach before heading down to the bus stop. I wasn’t hungry today either and my stomach was looking very flat, I didn’t have much in there. I promised myself that I would at least have a descent lunch.

Walking into work I handed Christine her coffee and looked at my phone. I had three texts. One from Chris, asking me how I was and if I fancied meeting for lunch someday. One was from my brother Jason, telling me what he wanted for his birthday in a funny sarcastic way that only close siblings could understand. Him and Chris were actually quite similar, apart from my brother loving everything that had to do with sports and Chris couldn’t care less about it, he was way more artistic and spontaneous. The last text was from Dave, he wrote ’Hi Alex, lovely seeing you yesterday. What do you say we meet this Friday for dinner? Xx’. I texted back to all three. To Chris I replied that I was fine and that lunch