Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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off my coat by the front door.

Lisa was in her nightgown, wet hair dripping over her shoulders.

“Had a workout?”

“Yeah, I just got out of the shower just now. How are you? You look better today,” she said handing me a large cup of tea by the kitchen table. Biscuits laid out on a black plate.

“Yeah, I am feeling a little better actually. Still really hurts, hard to get rid of the twisting pain in my stomach. I didn’t know it could actually feel like physical pain. It’s crazy.” I said shaking my head.

“I know hun, it’ll get better.”

“I know.” I took a sip of my tea and played around with a biscuit in my hand. “I dreamt something last night.”

Lisa’s eyes popped.

“Really? Was he there again?”

“No, but I met like…an angel I think.”

I told her all about the dream and what Erin had said.

Lisa looked fascinated.

“That is so cool! You met your guardian angel. Oh my God!”

“Well, I’m not sure what it was but she seemed to make a lot of sense. And although I still feel heartbroken, I almost feel like it’ll be OK. I think he’s in a better place now and that makes me happy.” I shook my head, as if realizing what I was saying. “If it’s all real that is, I mean, I could just have an incredibly vivid imagination. Maybe someone slipped me some powerful drug that’s made me have these visions,” I said winking at her and we started to laugh.

“Even if that is the case, you felt love in the way most people never get to experience. What does it really matter