Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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tell you that!” I laughed a little, feeling the tension from before losing its grip.

“She’ll be fine, don’t worry mum.”

She smiled as she gave me a hug and we said good bye.


On the bus home my mothers’ words were weighing hard in my mind. I didn’t want to hear what she had to say. I knew that for most people it was true. People entered marriages for all kinds of reasons, love not always being the highest priority. But for me, having felt love and so intensely, it was hard to even imagine that I could ever settle for less. Even though I knew the chances of me finding that again were almost nonexistent and I didn’t want to feel that with anyone else but Peter anyway. It was as if I had eaten the most delicious meal of my life only to find out I could only eat dry bread from now on. I hadn’t told my mother about Peter, it would all have seemed insane and she would probably have had a fit. Not liking a good guy is one thing, explaining that it is because you are completely in love with a guy you have only ever seen in your dreams is quite another. I did understand her point of view though. But I wished she could see mine. Then I remembered what Christine had said about never settling for less, which was quite the opposite opinion to my mum’s. My head was starting to hurt thinking about it all.


Lisa was home as I walked through the door and I was happy she was, I needed a friend, a none judging friend.

“Hi sweetie!” she called from the kitchen. “Come on through, I’ll make you a cup of tea! I bought chocolate biscuits.” She sounded excited and chirpy.

“OK, coming,” I said as I pulled off my boots and took