Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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couldn’t hear any rain so I was hoping it would be a clear day. I needed the sun to show its rays, to shed some light on the dullness of the autumn…and my mood.

I was happy it was Friday, happy to have the weekend ahead. Maybe I would take a long walk if the weather wasn’t too awful, or I could sit by the window and read a good book for a while.

I got up and felt the cold air in the room touch my body as I pulled off the sheets and got out of bed. I took a moment to look at Peter.

“I have to let you go,” I whispered.

I knew I had to move it, put it somewhere I couldn’t see it. It was too painful having it right in front of me the whole time. But could I put it away without opening whatever closet it was in to have a sneak peek all the time? I wasn’t so sure. After a minute or so of debating my inner desire versus my logical brain on what was best, I simply decided to leave my decision till the weekend.

It had started to lighten up outside as I was on the bus to work, the bus full of commuters, I had to stand up holding a pole for support. It was going to be a sunny day thankfully, although that could change quickly here.

I could see ’Arthur’s Seat’, one of the seven hills surrounding Edinburgh, in the distance when I was looking out of the window and I thought of the the time me and Peter had been in a dream landscape that looked a little like that hill. It made me smile. I noticed an old lady looking at me and she smiled back, which warmed my heart a bit. The world would be a much better place if everyone smiled more.

I skipped off the bus, crossed the road and entered Costa Coffee to get our regular coffees for me and Christine. I took a deep breath of fresh air as I walked