Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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outside. I strangely enough felt optimistic about things. I felt like somehow Peter would always be with me anyway, maybe he was even looking out for me from above. Who knew. But I knew he’d want me to live life to the full. I think I had started to except what it was. The dream with Erin had helped me see things in a different way. A couple of days ago I had felt like I was in the darkest place I had ever been in emotionally. So this was like when you’ve got a bad case of the flue or tummy bug and you are starting to get a little better, you realize you appreciate life, and being ’well’.


Christine was her usual self, hard shelled but with a dash of glow to her newly loved up features. I suppose she’d always be hard shelled, that was just the way she was and that was OK. I knew she cared anyway, she’d shown small hints of actual caring the last couple of weeks, barely noticeable but nonetheless.

We had some paintings coming in today and a sculpture. So we were busy with that. The sun had come out, shining into the gallery and brightening up some of the paintings, making them seem alive somehow. I stood staring at one of them for a while. I liked doing that. I was looking at an abstract one, it had lights higher up by some trees with what looked like a couple walking away down a path. Colours mixing together in strong fiery reds, it looked like evening and so I wondered, was it a memory from the artists past or was she inspired by a film, or someone she knew perhaps. I hadn’t read her file yet, I liked to think about it first and then check if I was right.

Turned out it reminded the artist of her grandparents story of how they had met. Very romantic.

The day passed fairly quickly. We closed up the gallery