Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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couldn’t hurt to remind you to have fun!” “I will, I will.”

Lisa held up her glass and said: “To having fun!”

Then I held up mine copying her. “To having fun,” and then we put our glasses together and drank some wine.


It was five past seven when I arrived at the restaurant. Dave was waiting outside wearing a black coat, dark jeans and what looked like a dark red shirt underneath, it was barely visible at the opening of his coat. We greeted each other with a hug and then we walked in. An Italian waiter greeted us at the front door and led us to our table, complimenting my beauty on the way over, telling Dave he was a ’lucky man’, very Italian. Probably trying to work up a good tip. I smiled at him and thanked him nevertheless.

We sat down at a square table with a blue tablecloth that was situated further back in the restaurant. The place was maybe a third full, in an hour or so I was guessing it would be full up, being Friday and all. We ordered a bottle of red wine and had a look at our menus.

“So what do you fancy? And don’t worry about the cost, I will pay for it, if you’ll let me?”

I wasn’t sure I wanted him to pay actually but I didn’t want to make a fuss, so I agreed.

“Sure,” I said scanning the menu.

“Carbonara for me I think.” I said looking up. “Sounds good. I’m going for the lasagna.”

We put down our menus as the waiter came over with our wine, letting me taste a little before pouring a full glass. We made our order and then the waiter was off to the kitchen leaving us looking at each other with a slight awkward feeling lingering in the air.