Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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needed to throw up in the middle of the night and didn’t have time to run to the bathroom. I sat down next to her. Her back was hunched and she slid down into a fetal position not looking up at me.

“You wanna tell me what happened?” She lay silent for a couple of seconds.

“I was out with Rory and his friends. We were having a great time and everything. First we were at Rory’s flat and then his friend came and…well…we drank…all of us.

Then Rory said that it was time to go to his friend’s house. They were gonna get something there, so I went with them. When we were there, they took something out, some pill, and I didn’t know what it was, and they said I should take it because they were all taking it. But I said no, I said I didn’t want to. And then they started making fun of me, and then of Rory to. They were saying ’how can you date a little girl who’s not even fun?’ and stuff like that.”

Emma had started to cry as she was telling me about what happened and I put my hand on her arm as a nurturing gesture. She wiped her cheek and continued.

“Then Rory was like ’maybe it’s not a good idea that we see each other anymore’ and then they all left and didn’t even say good bye or anything, so that’s when I called you.”

She looked at me with hurt written all over her face. “He didn’t love me, like I thought. I feel so stupid!” “No, no, you’re not stupid. He’s the stupid one. You

deserve someone way better than him. Emma, he was basically bullying you into taking drugs and you said no. I think you are strong and I am so proud of you for that.

You know what you deserve?”

She wiped her nose with a tissue. ”What’s that?”