Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“You deserve a guy who’s going to be your best friend, who’s going to support you in what you want out of life, who’s not going to run when it gets a little boring, who makes you laugh. All those things and more is what you deserve.”

She smiled at me. “You really think so?” I smiled at her warmly.

“I don’t think so, I KNOW so.”

I hugged her, then tucked her in and we said good night. I left her on the couch to sleep as I called mum and dad to let them know she was OK.

Mum answered the phone after one ring. “Hello?” She sounded worried.

“It’s Alex, Emma’s here with me.”

“Oh, thank God!” She sounded beyond relieved. “Why is she with you?”

“She knocked on my door a few minutes ago, she’s OK.”

“Well can I talk to her?”

“She’s asleep mum. She was really tired.” “Well she’s in a lot of trouble, I can tell you that


“Mum, don’t be too hard on her. She just got dumped.

She was really upset and we’ve talked about it.” “Hmm, well she’s going to have to explain herself to us and apologize nonetheless.”

“Yes, I agree she should, but let her do that before you bite her head off OK”

“Yes yes, OK. She puts me through hell that’s all. If anything ever happened to her, or you or Jason, well I…I couldn’t handle it, I love you all so much.”

I smiled a little hearing her say that.