Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Chapter 30


Rising Hope


I woke up having had a nice deep sleep. No dreams as far as I could remember. I gazed over at Peter in the painting knowing that I had to make the decision today of where to put it. Maybe I’d ask Lisa to hide it or something. I couldn’t bare the thought of getting rid of it. Despite the fact that it was the face of the only man I had truly loved with every ounce of my body and soul it was also the best painting I had ever done. It looked alive somehow, like he could start talking to me through it at any moment.

The sun was shining through the window hitting the middle of my cupboard. Little tiny specks of dust flying in the light that you would never see without the bright light of the sun. Looking at my clock it read 10:37.

I heard clinking of porcelain in the flat. I got up, put on my dressing gown and walked into the kitchen. Lisa was up, she was in her pyjamas which were lilac and had little