Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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stars all over.

“Hey roomie, tea?” “Yes please.”

I sat down at the table.

“Emma’s here by the way, she’s sleeping on the couch.”

“Yeah, I know, I saw her. Why is she here? I mean, not that it’s weird, just wondering.”

I told Lisa about last night and how I had to get my sister on my way home from the date because she’d been dumped and wasn’t sure where she was.

“Poor kid.”

She handed me my cup of tea.

“How did your date with Dave go?” She sat down and took a bite of a slice of buttered toast.

“I broke up with him. Well, not that you can break up with someone you’re not even exclusive with but you know what I mean.”

Lisa looked a little shocked.

“Oh my God, well that’s a bummer. But if he wasn’t for you and you knew that, then it wouldn’t be fair to keep him hanging so I reckon you did the right thing.” She looked at me seriously. “But you are keeping his number right? I mean, girl, you are crazy if you let that baby go.

You might want some of that a few months from now, do NOT delete it.”

I laughed at her.

“No, no, I’l keep his number, don’t worry.”

“Thank goodness, you gave me a fright there,” she said and winked at me.


Emma walked into the kitchen looking tired. “Morning Em, you OK?”