Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“Hi there.” It was Dave. “Hi,” I replied.

He was wearing stylishly torn jeans and a white shirt, looking very handsome and it made me blush a little. He smiled and said,

“I got us a table over there,” and pointed towards a corner with a couple of cosy looking red chairs and a small table by a large window.

“Great! Let’s just get some coffee then,” I replied.

We stood in the queue and did some minor chit chat about what our weekend had been like, feeling a little stiff, as it often does on a first date, although I didn't want to label it a date for some reason, but it felt like one.

We sat down at our corner table. I ordered a latte and a blueberry muffin, Dave had an espresso and a Danish.

Dave carried himself well, he was the perfect combination of a man with a good self confidence but at the same time he seemed warm and humble. He must be a hit with the ladies, I thought to myself, and whether that was a good thing I had yet to find out.

We talked about our families for a while, he had an older sister who lived in Australia who had met her husband on vacation. His mum and dad had divorced when he was ten years old, but they both lived in Edinburgh and had re-married. He was now 26 years old and worked as a real estate agent, as well as being the band’s manager.

“I’d love to go to Australia sometime, but all the poisonous spiders and snakes freak me out,” I said wrinkling my nose and shaking my head.

“Yeah, I know what you mean, it's not too bad, although last time I was there I had a lizard in my hotel