Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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cups of tea and a plate of biscuits. I’d put out three different types, Jaffa cakes, chocolate chip and chocolate digestives. I grabbed a blanket and sat down next to Lisa on the couch, putting the tea and biscuits on the black low coffee table in front of us.

“What are you watching?” I asked.

“Just some detective series, CSI I think it's called.

There wasn't much on, but this seems OK. Where have you been today anyway?” she asked reaching for the biscuits.

“I had coffee with a guy I met when I was out with Chris last Friday.”

She turned to look at me with big eyes. “Ooh a date?!” she said and looked hopeful.

“Well, yeah, I suppose you could call it that.” Lisa brightened up at that.

“So go on, spill the beans! Tell me what happened, how did it go? What does he look like? Is he rich? Tell me!

Tell me!”

“OK OK, calm down.” I said and laughed.

So I told her all about what he was like, what he looked like, what he did for a living and about him being the manager for the band.

“Cat or dog?” she cut in. “What?”

“Is he a cat or a dog person? That's a deal breaker isn't it?”

“Haha, I have no idea, besides, I like both cats and dogs so I suppose it doesn't matter,” I answered her.

“Alex, he sounds amazing! Now I have a very important question.” She looked very serious, then continued; “Does he have a brother?”

“Sorry hun,” I giggled. “Just a sister in Australia I'm