Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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kept breaking all the time. It was still raining outside so I hurried along to the cafe.

When I got to the door I saw Chris hurrying up along the street, keeping a little hidden under his umbrella, smartly dressed for work. I waited him in and held the door open for him. We got in slightly wet from the rain, greeted each other and sat down by a table for two quite close to the entrance. We took off our jackets and went to order, I got a Ceasar salad and Chris got a toasted ciabatta.

“So how did it go with the girl from Friday?” I asked. “Well, you know, we met for a while Saturday night,”

he said as he tucked into his ciabatta. “OK, gonna see her again?”

“I don’t know, maybe,” he said, talking as if I had asked about whether he liked the ciabatta or not, rather than an actual person.

“Lucky girl,” I said sarcastically and grinned at him. “Did I ever tell you how happy I am that we are just friends?”

“Oh come on Alex, she had a great time too, my ladies are always happy,” he said with a cheeky smile and playfully laughing at himself. Then he continued.

“So, have you heard from the manager? What was his name? Dave?”

Dave, I hadn’t given him a second thought since our date the day before, and it had been such a great date. usually I would have obsessed about a date, thinking about everything we talked about, how I was perceived, what he looked like, and wondering when or if he was going to call me. I usually over analyzed everything. But Dave, as great as he had been, had totally slipped my mind. Whether that was a good or bad thing I had yet to