Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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doesn’t really count since you had your head down the toilet most of the night.” She put a hand over her face. “God, don’t remind me!”

“We’ve all been there hun, no big deal. It’ll be great, you’ll meet Chris, Dave, the band and other people.

There’ll definitely be guys to flirt with,” I said as I winked at her.

“Yay! I can’t wait!”


I sat in my bedroom feeling stuffed from the curry. I had texted Dave back saying that lunch tomorrow sounded lovely and that I was just going to double check tomorrow with my boss if I could have lunch at twelve noon. Sometimes an important client would be arriving then and I’d have to schedule my lunches around that, so I would text him again tomorrow morning from work.

My room was messy. There were a couple of tops lying over my white wooden chair by my mirror, my bed was messy and I hadn’t dusted for a couple of weeks, so I decided to give it a clean.

I was half done when I made my bed and sat down on it looking directly at the man in my painting. It was nowhere near done and I remembered more of what he looked like now. I had told myself I was going to get my head out of the clouds and stop thinking of Peter from my dream but his face just kept popping up, it was like I had no control over it.

I walked over to the paints, picked up a small brush and dabbed it in some brown colours, mixing them so I’d get the perfect tone.

I worked on his hair and eyes, his hair had been long enough to see that it was slightly wavy, almost going slightly over his eyes, quite thick hair and dark brown, it