Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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mind, this is perfect!”

We got all the curry out and popped it onto the table.

There was tandoori chicken, king prawn tandoori, special fried rice and nan bread.

We talked about our day whilst enjoying the meal. Lisa had been to three dance classes, she could eat as much as she liked because she danced so much. I had to be careful how much food I ate because I didn’t exercise that often and because I had been overweight in my earlier years, so Lisa probably ate double what I ate. But I didn’t get as hungry as she did either so it didn’t bother me too much.

My phone vibrated on the table and Lisa looked up. “Ooh, is that the manager?” she asked.

I picked up the phone and saw that it was Dave texting me.

“Yep.” I read through the text quietly.

“Oh come on,” she said with a desperate look in her eyes. ”What’s it say?! Spill!”

“Haha, OK OK, chill.” I cleared my throat and read: “Hi Alex, was great seeing you yesterday, how about lunch tomorrow, say 12 o’clock? My treat! xx”

“Oh my god!” Lisa had big excited eyes. ”Your second date! Of course, he’ll need to get the ’my stamp of boyfriend for Alex approval’ on Friday first but I’m so happy for you!” She put her hands over her heart and tilted her head as she said it.

I played with my food as I said: “It’s just a date, it’s nothing really.”

“Yeah, but it’s ¨just a date¨ with what sounds like the perfect guy. God I hope he has cute friends!” she said with a sigh.

“Well you’ll see on Friday I suppose, Chris is coming too. It’ll be fun for my two best buds to meet, last time