Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


The Mountain


I was at the seaside on a dock going far out into the sea. The air was warm. I felt a soft silky touch all the way down my legs from a red sleeveless summer dress. My feet were bare. The water was clear and greenish blue, there were beautiful flowers growing in places below the surface. Looking out I could see fins diving back in the water and as I had a closer look I realized that they were mermaids. Their long beautiful hair in all colours flowing gently as they swam, it was almost hard to look away.

There were about ten of them from what I could see. One of them, a mermaid with long pure golden hair and dazzling light blue eyes that shone like diamonds looked over at me. Without her opening her mouth to speak I heard her voice inside my head, singing like soft whispers.