Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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’Not asleep nor awake

mind the heart you will break’

She turned and dived back in the water together with the other mermaids, very gracefully, barely making a splash. I stood there looking out towards where they had dived down wondering what she meant by that. ’Not asleep nor awake’, and then I realized with a jolt, I was dreaming, that’s what she was saying, I was in a dream, and because I knew I was in a dream that meant not quite asleep. But what did she mean by ’mind the heart you will break’? I thought of what I wanted to do most of all, the answer came quick as a flash. I wanted to see Peter…and there was my answer. I was falling for a man who didn’t exist. I’d break my own heart…a sad thought. But I couldn’t help myself, if this was the only place I could enjoy the feeling he gave me, then so be it.

I closed my eyes and said his name out loud: “Peter, take me to Peter.” I started running. I ran to the end of the dock and where it ended I dived into the air and started flying over the sea, spreading out my arms and feeling the warm air on my face and in my hair. I saw mountains ahead and I knew I’d find Peter there. I don’t know how I knew, I just did. I sped up and went higher, seeing boats with people in them looking up at me. There were dolphins and whales near the surface and a few of the dolphins jumped out of the water and dived back down, singing their dolphin sounds as they jumped up.

As I got closer to the mountains I saw beautiful green patches on different parts of the mountain. I flew towards one that was half way up and landed on soft grass that was the sort of green you only get when it’s spring and everything starts to bloom, a beautiful freshness. There were a few trees here as well, one was very tall and had