around on a rainy day, or any day! She was a messy little thing though, with a side dish of new dramas on a regular basis, especially when it came to men. But you could have the best time with her, always taking the 'serious' out of the equation.
We became flat mates a few months ago when I'd just finished art college. She'd studied dance and was now on her last year. We'd met at a few parties and always got on so well. So here we were, in a little two bedroom flat on Broughton Road, Edinburgh. The most historically beautiful city in the world, with its castle, its pipers, its many cafés, bars, festivals and rain... Yes it rained A LOT! But that was all part of the charm.
I reluctantly pulled off the duvet, sat up with my shoulders hanging as low as my eyelids and then stood up, stretching my arms up in the air and yawning whilst looking out of the window of my bedroom. I saw a few people walking the streets as I looked down, most of them off to work I presumed. I put on my lilac dressing gown. Even though it was the end of September and nowhere near winter, it still felt cold. I walked to the kitchen where Lisa was standing with her hand stretched out holding a cup of tea for me.
“Thanks Lisa, you’re the best.”
“No prob hun,” she said as she dashed off to the bathroom.
I sat there for a while drinking my tea and eating some toast waiting for Lisa to get ready so that I could pop in for a quick shower.
Our bathroom was tiny and quite old but I was glad that it was tiled rather than carpet, it was more hygienic that way. Lisa was luckily enough quite fast in the bathroom, she’d take her time in her bedroom instead. I was in there