within ten minutes to have a quick wash.
In the hallway I passed one of my paintings, I loved to paint and I had a few hung up in the flat. The one in the hall was of a dolphin in the sea swimming happily around water and music, as in music notes and instruments, all in vivid colours that all melted together. I was actually quite proud of that one. I felt strongly about all my paintings, but as an artist I could be very self critical. This painting in the hall however, I had worked on for a long time and it touched me every time I saw it, and woke a feeling inside me that was hard to explain.
I walked into my bedroom with a towel wrapped around me. The walls were yellow, which I had never really liked, but I was renting so I didn't have much choice in the matter. My bed was in the middle of the room with a large bay window straight ahead as I walked in. The room was of decent size with a high ceiling, but with my art set up taking over about a third of the room, it looked quite small.
I went to my closet and got out a black fitted dress and tights, which was what I normally wore to work. Just adding some long dangly silver earrings and a silver bracelet that I had been given as a Christmas gift from my mum.
I sat down in front of my mirror and started drying and styling my dark, shoulder length hair that was slightly wavy and curled towards the ends, I always wore my long fringe to the side. My frame was slim with some curves, hazel eyes, full lips and a straight edged nose. Some would call me quite pretty but that hadn't always been the case. I was an ugly duckling growing up. I had been quite chubby and got bullied for it. They would call me things like whale, ugly and fat, and at PE class nobody would