Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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back towards Tesco’s.

I was deep in thought as I felt a hand grab my arm and pulling me to the side. I didn’t have time to react. The man’s grip was hard as stone, his nails digging into my skin. I felt something sharp by my side and realized with a fright that it was a knife. I froze.

“Alright doll,” the man said, his breath on my face that stank of cigarettes. I wasn’t looking right at him, I was too afraid, but he was wearing a cap and a hoody and was skinny but taller than me. He held the knife up to my throat and his other hand wondered down my hips and onto my bottom.

“You’re lovely aren’t ya. Now be a good little girl and give me your wallet.”

I couldn’t move, so he spoke again.

“You deaf or something?!” As his hand was grabbing my bottom he put his hand into one of the pockets, pulling out my wallet.

“Found it,” he said, his lips at my ear. “Mention this to anyone and you’re dead.”

And with that he let go and ran off.

It took me a few seconds to be able to move again. The fear had paralysed me.

I started breathing shallow breaths and as my frozen fear let go I ran home, up the stairs and into the shower. Trying to wash away his filthy touch, I thought of his stinky breath on my face and heaved into the toilet. Lisa heard me and knocked on the door.

“Are you OK hun?”

I looked up from the toilet. “I just got mugged.”

“What? Oh my God. Have you called the police?”

I realized I had to cancel my bank cards as she said it. I