Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Lord Of The Rings’ it would be an elf, so elegant and beautiful. What would you choose?” I asked Lisa.

“Well, I reckon I’d be a hobbit, they seem to like a good party.”

“Yeah, suppose you’re right. And they eat a lot.” Thinking of food was making me hungry, so I told Lisa I was off to make some dinner and offered to make some for her to, but she’d already eaten. I went to the kitchen only to realize I had nothing to eat, at least nothing that wouldn’t take a long time. I had frozen chicken fillets but that would mean at least 40 minutes in the oven. So I decided to pop down to Tesco’s and get something readymade. It only took a couple of minutes to walk there anyway. I told Lisa I’d be back in a few minutes and shut the door behind me. It was dark and chilly outside. There weren’t as many people outside as earlier when it was rush hour and you wondered where all the people came from.

I crossed the street and as I stepped on to the pavement on the other side I gazed up and saw a man walking further away. I thought I recognized him. It was dark but it looked like Peter. I didn’t even think about it, I started following him, gaining speed and even calling out his name. Hope flourishing inside me. But he didn’t stop. I ran faster and was out of breath as I put my hand on his shoulder, the man turned around and as I saw his face I felt disappointment grab hold of me. It wasn’t him, it didn’t even look like him.

This man was darker skinned, Spanish looking and had a look of confusion.

“Sorry,” I said. “I thought you were someone else.” ”OK,” he said walking away. I stood there catching my

breath and eventually turned around and started walking