Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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stomach felt warm and the feel of that drifting lover. The tension was electric. Simultaneously we started kissing. This time there was more passion in it, his tongue finding mine, not too much but just enough to be both sensual and romantic. My fingers grabbing on to his soft hair, his hands finding my back. As my dress was low cut at the back he stroked my bare skin with his hands, one higher up and one drifting lower. I was bursting with passion, feeling dizzy and floating as if I was on some love drug.


Something shook me and with a pull I was blinking in the dark, my body sweaty and aching with desire. I sat up in my room feeling frustrated and upset to the verge of tears. Like a child being promised a visit to Charlie’s chocolate factory only to be told it was just a joke and they could just go home without so much as a candy bar.

I kicked off my duvet and just lay there for a while. I turned my head to look at the clock, it was only five in the morning, maybe I could fall back asleep again and see him. I closed my eyes, trying to relax my body enough to fall back asleep, but I felt completely awake and alert. I had done a relaxation class once. I remembered being told to imagine I was lying on a cloud, a soft white cloud and that everything around me was safe and calm. Then you had to take deep relaxing breaths, and for every breath you took you would imagine sinking lower into the cloud, focusing on one body part at a time. I lay there for a while focusing on the relaxation technique, it helped calm down my sexual desire but that was about it.

After a while I felt like I needed to pee, which I tried to ignore, but after a while I had to admit defeat and head to the bathroom. When I got back to bed I lay there trying to