Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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because I don’t want to leave.” He put his arm around me.

“We’ll stay awake for as long as we can then.”

“I’d like that,” I replied and relaxed into his embrace.

We sat gazing out across the river and into the beautiful light in silence, just listening. It was then that we heard the beautiful music playing, at first faint and distant and then gradually it filled the air with a beautiful ballad. It was one I hadn’t heard before but the person singing had an angelic voice. Peter put his lips close to my ear and whispered: “May I have this dance?”

With a shy smile I took his offering hand and we stood up. He put his right hand around my waste whilst my left arm went up over his shoulder and my hand rested on the back of his neck. He put his other hand in mine and held it close to our bodies. We stood close enough that I could feel his breath on my cheek and the heat of his body. We took small steps, dancing around slowly to the music. If this really was all my own imagination, I was amazed at what I could come up with. Beautiful landscapes, beautiful music, beautiful man. I was starting to understand why people went crazy sometimes, walking around talking to themselves, getting lost in their own world. One’s imagination could be so much better than reality.

He swung me round and dipped me, I went with it and we both laughed a little. As I came back up from the dip we were looking right at each other, inches apart. It suddenly felt serious, my body wanting his. He looked slightly flushed and his eyes bore into mine as if he was looking into my soul. I’d never felt so turned on. My