Eleven Days: An Unexpected Love by Lora Lindy - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

It was ten-thirty at night and a strong fire burned. All the lights were off except for the bathroom light. Lana sat on the couch and watched TV with the volume on mute. Some war movie was on, and soldiers got shot then dragged themselves to safety. The movie didn't interest her. Her mind ached with disappointment. Sadness engulfed her because Mike didn't call her to let her know he wouldn't be coming. You need to get over yourself—you came to the beach for some solitude, and now that you have it, you're sulking like a two year old.

While lying on the couch brooding, she heard a car coming down the road, and she jumped up and put on her robe. She didn't turn on a light as she peeked out the window. If the person happened to be someone besides Mike, she wouldn't answer the door. Not only that—if it was Mike, and he's tired he may want to get in his truck and head home. She anguished over the thought. It was Mike, and she saw him get out of the SUV and talk a few seconds with the driver.

He looked so handsome all dressed up in black slacks with a white button-up shirt. His tie was loosened and the top button undone. The excitement that overwhelmed her was almost unbearable. She wanted to run out and hug him.

After he had made a goodbye gesture to the driver, she saw him look at the house. He walked to the truck and put a briefcase behind the front seat. Then, he toggled his glances from the house and then back at the truck, and she knew he contemplated going home. He chose to get in his truck and leave. She was heartbroken, more than heartbroken. She ran back to the couch, crawled under the covers and wept.

She was wallowing in self pity when she thought she heard a slight tap on the door. Could she be mistaken, or maybe it was the wind, like last night. She peeked through the window and could see the shadow of a man, then his truck. She opened the door, and he stood in the doorway looking tall and handsome. "Please come in, you look tired, how about a cup of tea?"

"That sounds good. I would like that very much." He leaned against the kitchen bar and crossed his arms.

Whenever Lana walked past him, he looked at her chest. The thin gown showed every

outline of her curvaceous figure. Normally a man staring through her encouraged her to change or get embarrassed, but not with Mike. She wanted him to see her curves, so she went about her business in the kitchen and didn't close her robe. When she glanced at him, she noticed he had a difficult time veering away from her chest.

God she's beautiful. Every curve was appealing, and sensual. If anyone could take away his despair, it's Lana. He wanted desperately to take her in his arms and hold her.

There was a definite lack of humor compared to this morning, obviously something bothered him. Not knowing him and how to handle the situation, she finished making the tea. She wanted to walk over to him put her arms around him and hold him. "Do you want to talk about it?"

While turning the handle towards him, she handed him the mug. She then sipped on hers.

He took his first sip and nodded his approval. "I want to apologize for not making it in tonight for pizza. Something came up at work that needed my attention."

"Go on, that is if you want to tell me? I thought horrible thoughts this morning. I imagined you were a drug dealer. Isn't that ridiculous?" She blurted it out loud, and she couldn't believe she just said those words.

He rolled his head back laughing. "You could say I am a drug dealer."

Her eyes widened with shock at his confession.

"I'm a federal agent with the U.S. Marshals, and I arrest drug dealers. So I guess you could call me a drug dealer." He saw the shocked look on her face, so he pulled her close and whispered, "Come here squirt."

One hand covered her entire head as he pulled her to his chest. Every nerve in her body was tingling with anticipation. As she took a deep breath, she could smell his cologne, and it smelled good. She wanted to tell him, but she didn't want to lose the moment.

He continued, "Last night a drug deal went bad, and one of my men got shot. He's in the hospital now. That's where I've been all day to go over all the things that happened and writing police reports. We don't know if he's going to make it through the night."

"I heard about it on the news today, but of course I didn't know it had anything to do with you. Mike, I'm so sorry; what can I do to help?"

"Mmm… you're doing it now, just being here with me is enough, and holding you is more than enough. I thought about you all day, and I couldn't wait to get here to talk to you. I almost went to Boston because I thought you might be asleep." Her body feels so good in my arms.

Tears welled up in Lana's eyes because that's exactly how she felt. God, please don't let this moment end. They held each other for several minutes, and he gently stroked her back through her robe. Then he slowly pulled away from her and put his hand under her chin, making her look at him. She trembled. This was a feeling she had never felt before, and would never feel again—

no matter how many men traveled through her life.

He kissed her gently.

His lips were soft, and she tasted his sweetness.

As he pulled away, a look of disappointment and confusion distorted her face. She didn't want him to stop. But to her surprise and delight his strong arms picked her up and sat her on the bar. He then fully opened her robe and wrapped his massive arms around her small waist, pulling her close. Without closing his eyes, gazing at her, he gave her a long gentle kiss that turned sensual. The only thing between his hands and her bare skin was a thin piece of silk. Every touch sent lightning through her body. If two people could become one because of love, it would be them. She felt that in every ounce of her being.

After several minutes of deep wanting kisses, he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. She had no doubt what she wanted, and she thought he wanted the same thing.

No words were said, but everything was spoken.

He laid her on the bed, then left. He came back with all the covers from the living room and piled them on the bed. Although it was dark, she could tell he was undressing. Within a few minutes, he crawled in bed and pulled her close.

Lying next to her beautiful body was unbearable, but he didn't want her to think sex was all he wanted. Although that thought was his top priority, he wanted their first time to be special.

Tonight he planned on just snuggling. He pulled her close and whispered, "If it's okay I want to hold you all night. I don't expect anything yet, but I want to be near you and reach over and touch you during the night. I need your closeness right now. If you want me to go I will, but I hope you don't want me to leave."

She caressed every inch of his rugged unshaven face. "I would love for you to hold me all night and many nights. I'll be here as long as you need me. You can touch me all night as long as I can also snuggle and touch you." Every inch of his face felt beautiful, and the desire for him would not be a question any more. It seemed like a little piece of heaven when he gently rubbed her back. "Baby, if you do that often you will have me forever."

"Then that's what I plan to do. Come here squirt and snuggle next to me. I promise tomorrow we will have a long talk and many kisses. Good night baby."

He seemed discernibly tired and emotionally drained. She snuggled in to get as close as she physically could. Within a few minutes, she could tell he was sound asleep by his shallow breathing. His breath barely crossed her face, and the sweetness fomented contentedly in her heart.

Amazingly she wasn't tired after all that has happened. She was more aroused than tired, and she knew that would not be an issue in the future. He would satisfy her. Her heart pounded with anticipation just thinking about having sex with this man.

She held him close and whispered, "Goodnight baby." She snuggled next to his hard body thinking about him being a great kisser, no question about that. Neither was his job a question anymore. She giggled at herself for thinking of him being a drug dealer.

Trying to sleep was an impossible task now because she was so intoxicated by this man. His muscular body and sweet breath lay only a few inches away. Her body wanted to wake him up to take care of business, but her heart knew he needed rest. After all, scientific evidence showed people sleep better after sex. Her mind and heart wrestled with waking him or not. The mind won. She acted out the next best alternative, snuggling.