Eleven Days: An Unexpected Love by Lora Lindy - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

The phone rang, she thought, but being half asleep she couldn't be sure. A phone ringing in the middle of the night couldn't be good news. She realized it was his cell phone. "Mike…

phone," she said as she tried to wake him. She shook him, but he was dead to the world. "Mike, please wake up, your phone is ringing."

He stirred and finally reached for his cell phone. "Hello… When?... I'm at the beach house… I can be ready in fifteen minutes… Yeah... You can pick me up in twenty minutes…

No, I'll tell them … Bye." He hung up and just held his cell phone. He sat on the edge of the bed and didn't say a word. "As much as I would like to stay, I have to go," he said as he took a deep breath.

"I know baby, and I am so sorry this happened. I wish I could help in some way." Her heart hurt for him because she knew what he needed to do, and how hard it would be for him. Without saying a word, he got up and took a shower. She knew this guy two days and already knew he liked to hold in his feelings of despair and hurt. Many men were like that, and he was one of them.

She went in the kitchen and made some coffee. Mike walked in the kitchen just as it

finished. As she reached for the mugs, he walked over and put his arms around her. They both needed that. She needed it for her loss of James, and he needed it for his lost agent. "I didn't want our first morning together to be like this. I hope you will forgive me, but I do have to go." He got choked up as he put on his coat.

"There is nothing to forgive, and I certainly understand. We'll have other mornings. Here's some coffee. I couldn't find a travel mug to take with you."

"That's okay I'll drink some until Colby gets here. Frank passed away a couple of hours ago, and our team is meeting at his house then going to the office. I will have to spend some time in the office, but I don't know how long that will be." He hated to say anything to her. She didn't need to be burdened with his problems.

"I understand. I'll be here when you come home." She didn't know what else to say.

About that time, his ride drove up. Mike held her for a few seconds, and she gave him a hug to let him know she understood. He kissed her on the forehead, set down his mug on the bar, and out the door he went.

She stood at the window and watched him drive down the road and turn the corner.

Then she added logs to the fire.