Eleven Days: An Unexpected Love by Lora Lindy - HTML preview

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Chapter 35

The room was quiet with the exception of a few machines running and making a humming sound. It's amazing how all these machines could keep someone alive or at least make their quality of life better. He was thankful they were there to help her breath.

It seemed strange how this little girl laying there was nonexistent in his life two weeks ago, and now he can't imagine life without her. He couldn't wait for her to open her eyes. He needed to hear her sweet voice again . "Hey baby, I hope you can hear me. I want you to get better so we can go on our trip to Hawaii. I thought about us going there for a honeymoon, and staying through next year's winter months. What do you think about that? I was thinking maybe we could get married on the beach. We could fly our family to the islands for a week. You like the beach, and I bet the warm sand sounds pretty good right now. Honey, there is so much I don't know about you and I want to know everything; your favorite color, your favorite baseball team, your favorite food, and your favorite movie. Please wake up and tell me these things." As he gently rubbed her arm, he noticed a little blood on her fingers. He went to the bathroom and got a towel and cleaned around her arms and neck and face. He couldn't bear to see the gunshot wound, that would be too much to bear. While cleaning the neck area, Mike saw the bruise from the shot went all the way up to the chest area. The pain Lana was enduring shot waves of guilt through his heart. "One more thing honey, I want thank you for saving Joe's life. That's the most selfless, heroic act anyone has ever done. Joe is torn up about it, but Raymond told him that's just how you are. He told him that's the mother instinct in you. I think it's your love for mankind, and your love for Joe."

Mike paced around the room about fifty times waiting and hoping. The doctor came in

during his evening rounds. Mike asked, "How is she doing?"

The doctor checked the chart and gave Lana an examination, and then he smiled while

answering, "I think she is doing better than expected. All her vitals are great, and her heart is strong. There doesn't seem to be any internal bleeding, and she seems to be doing better than I had hoped."

"So why is she still in a coma?"

"It is probably caused from trauma and lack of blood. If all goes well, she should come out of that in a few days, if not sooner. To be honest, I don't think I have ever seen someone fight so hard to live. Do you have any other questions?"

This next question wasn't important to him, but he wanted to know so he would be able to answer questions for Lana. "How will her quality of life be after this?"

"The same," the doctor said as he wrote in her chart.

The doctor didn't understand how critical that question was for Lana. Lana loved life, and he didn't know how she would cope with debilitating news. It didn't matter to him, and he already reconciled with himself that he would take her any way he could have her, whole or not. "That's such good news. I know Lana will be happy to hear that."

"She will have to take it easy for awhile, but then she can resume life like normal. We had to remove the kidney, but she will function just fine with one. She won't feel comfortable wearing a bikini, but that's minor."

Mike grinned and shook the doctor's hand. "I don't think that will bother her in the least.

Thank you so much."

"You are welcome, and just let the nurses know if you need anything. I'll see you in the morning, and maybe our sleeping beauty will be awake."

"I hope so and have a good evening."

Mike walked over to the bed and told Lana the good news.