Eleven Days: An Unexpected Love by Lora Lindy - HTML preview

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Chapter 36

Raymond was on his way back to the house, and his phone rang. "Hey Ken, what else did you find?" Raymond liked Ken's calls because every time he called he had intriguing news, especially if it had something to do with the new software. This software would change the way all law enforcement tracked killers.

"When will you get back?" Ken asked.

"In about five minutes, what do you need?"

"I will have to show you, hurry."

He looked at Colby and said, "Hurry, Ken has something he wants to show us."

Colby pulled up so quickly when he slammed on the brakes the SUV fishtailed. The normal time from the lighthouse to the beach house was about eleven minutes, and Colby made it in seven.

"What so important that you have to show me now, I was nearly killed getting here," said Raymond.

Ken glanced at Raymond and Colby, and Colby just smiled. Ken turned the laptop around for Raymond to read about the news for himself.

He glanced around the screen trying to figure out what he was supposed to be reading. After looking all over the screen and he finally found what Ken wanted to show him, then he read: After careful analysis of the data input, one suspect found in files; Angelino Marquit. "How in the hell do you know that?" asked Raymond, excited they finally got a break.

"As I told you, agents have been entering information about cases from the past ten years.

Then, I entered the shooting and the sperm and the airport and everything else. Angelino Marquit is the only name that popped up. The computer looks at anyone that can shoot that distance, and Angelino Marquit is the only person who can. Or at least the only one who can shoot that distance and also fit all other data entered. Raymond we are really lucky, sometimes there are several names, or none." He was proud of his software, and he was beaming. While grinning, he asked, "Do you want to know more?"

"Hell yes."

"This guy is called Mission Impossible."

"Why?" asked Raymond. He thought that was an extremely odd nickname.

"He changes his face and accents, and he enjoys tormenting his victims, and he likes to stalk them and toy with them before killing them. And Raymond, because of his cunningness, he has in the past been able to sway law enforcement to other suspects. He has even been known to dress up like a woman. One more thing, for some reason his record is blocked."

"What do you mean?"

"My guess it's a special team on this case, and for some reason I don't have access to his records."

"What would be the reasons?"

"There are several reasons. One, there are some highly classified undercover agents involved. Two, there might be a leak and an agent is being investigated. Three, there are some big criminals involved."

"Wow, can you break in and get the information?" Raymond's ears perked up when Ken listed the reasons. He had just talked to Colby about the same thing. "I'm working on that now."

"That's amazing and thanks. And Ken, I have one more favor."

"What's that?"

"Can you look into your crystal ball and tell me a way to catch this guy."

"You mean predict his future?"


"I'll do my best." He grinned from ear to ear. This was the best part of investigating—

finding results. There were times when the computer didn't help, but when it did, it was an amazing feeling. It took five years to finish the work, but it was worth the wait. He had to fight, from the beginning, to get the approval and funds, and now it's paying off. Since they had started using his new software, they had put three criminals behind bars.

"Thanks, I've got to call Sara." Raymond was in awe of this program, and he intended to have a talk with Ken about it later when he had more time.

Sara answered on the first ring. "Talk to me because I don't have anything for you."

"I have something amazing for you, and you are to drop everything to find this guy. First, I want you to put someone you trust to find information on Lana."

"Who do you want me to lookup?" She first thought Raymond was teasing, but then she dismissed this because of the severity of the case.

"His name is Angelino Marquit."

"How did you get a name before me?" She would have to have a long talk with Ken when they both had the time.

"I'll explain later, and send me everything you have."

"I will and I'll have someone continue on Lana's stuff."

Colby heard the name and had headed out to the SUV, pulling everything up they had on him. He brought it in to Raymond.

Raymond looked at the picture. "Who the hell is this guy, and why haven't we heard about him before now?" They all looked at his picture, and were amazed that he didn't look anything like the picture from the airport. Now he knew why the FBI face recognition database didn't pick him out, and why they called him Mission Impossible.


Slowly Lana tried opening her eyes, and they were caked shut. She forced them open, and she could see some light, and the light was bright. Everything looked like a blur, and she blinked the fog away.

She had difficulty breathing, and the pain was excruciating in her left lower chest area. The beeping noise drove her crazy, and she wished someone would turn off the machine. Mike sat in the chair next to her, sleeping. When she glanced around she realized she was in a hospital. The room was white and sanitary. Thank God she wasn't dying, or she would be put in the pretty room, the death room, a room like James'.

Her mouth seemed so dry she couldn't say anything. She looked around for something to drink, but nothing was close. She mustered up every ounce of energy to get Mike's attention.

With only a whisper, she said, "Mike."

He didn't hear her, so she tried again. "Mike."

He didn't stir. She tried to move a little bit, and she couldn't because the pain was too excruciating. Tubes and needles were poking out several areas of her body. She could see some bloody tubes coming out of her side. What the hell happened to me? She sure wished she could move because she could feel sweat under her body, and it was uncomfortable.

About that time, Mike's phone rang, and he stirred. He pulled the phone out of his pocket to see who was calling.

She managed a few words. "That damn phone." Her voice sounded weak, barely audible.

Mike jumped up and ran to her. "Oh my God, baby you're awake." He immediately called for a nurse. "I'm so glad you're awake. Do you feel okay? Do you need anything?"

The nurse walked in grinning. She checked her vitals and replaced the IV. "Welcome back, you scared us a few times young lady." The entire time she was working on her, Mike never let go of her hand. The nurse checked her blood pressure and noted that it had risen. She asked Lana. "Are you in pain?"

Her mouth was so dry she couldn't answer, so she shook her head. Lana saw tears in his eyes, and she didn't know why. Why would her baby be crying?

The nurse said, "We can fix that for you. It's good you're feeling pain." She pulled a vial from her tray and put some medicine in her IV.

That's easy for you to say, thought Lana.

The nurse noticed Lana trying to lick her lips. "Would you like some ice chips?"

Lana nodded yes.

When the nurse finished what she was doing, she brought Lana some ice chips and told Mike. "Give her only a little bit at first we don't need her to get sick and rip open her stitches.

We'll check on her in a little bit, call if you need us."

"Thank you, and I will."

He laid his head on the bed next to her and cried like a baby.

Lana's hand reached over and touched his hair, and she was confused why he would be

crying. Then, the pain medicine kicked in and then darkness.


Mike watched the evening news, and they talked about the two shootings and the prowler.

They commented the woman staying at the house had been under Marshal protective custody for months. The newscaster said a marshal was a suspect and Lana was a witness. Mike just shook his head. He thought they would say anything for a story.

Raymond walked in the room and glanced at the TV but ignored it. "Hi Mike, how is Lana?"

"She's doing much better. They just gave her a shot so she'll be out for a few hours.

Hopefully you have some good news?"

"I have some great news."


"We have the name of the killer."

Mike just looked at Raymond in shock—total disbelief. A few hours ago they didn't even have DNA results. "What's his name?" Anger immediately rushed through his body.

"Angelino Marquit aka Mission Impossible, and he's a hit man."

Mike was stunned. "Who is he hired to kill?"

Raymond turned his back towards Lana and whispered, "Lana."

"I've never heard of him. Who the hell is this guy and why is he called Mission Impossible, but most importantly why is he after Lana?"

"He is called that because he can disguise himself and he likes to toy with his victims before killing them, sound familiar? Mike, he can even dress up and pass as a woman, so be extremely careful—for Lana's sake. You said yourself that this guy liked toying with us."

"How did you find out his name?"

"Ken. They have a new software program that can find and predict killers and it's called MAD—mental assessment development."

"Are you kidding me? So his computer is exceptional."

"Yes it is."

Mike looked at Raymond as though this was a syfy show, and this was all part of the script.

"So how long have they had this program?"

"We're their sixth case. It's still in the infancy stage, and Ken had to get permission to use it.

I'm having Sara and Ken looking for more information on this guy, but it gets worse."


"For some reason his records with the FBI are blocked. I'm having Sara work her miracles so let's hope she can find something. However, I do have good news."

"Thank God, we can sure use it."

"Colby and I went to the lighthouse and reenacted the shooting, and we found a few prints.

We are running them as we speak, and hopefully that will give us some more information on him."

"You're doing a good job, and keep me informed and get me a picture as soon as you have one."

"I brought one with me, and I will give a copy to all the men and the hospital staff. Mike, when you look at this picture next to the picture from the airport, they don't look anything alike."

Mike looked at the picture, and Raymond was right, they don't even look like the same person. He wished Lana could look at it, he was sure she could pick out the similarities. When he looked at his picture he felt so much anger. This man shot Lana. He stared at the picture a few seconds longer, then sat it on the table. "Thanks and make sure Joe gets one. Right now I'm so worried about Lana I can't think straight. I'm going to take a nap, and maybe then I can think with a level head."

Raymond thought about the sacrifice she made to safe Joe. "Mike she is a special lady to knock Joe out of the way. She acted quicker than some of our agents would have."

"Yea, she acted selflessly that's for sure." Mike knew she would never regret what she did.

"She woke up a few hours ago. It was only for a few minutes, but she knew me. The blessing in all this is she doesn't remember being shot. She was looking around as though she didn't know why she was in a hospital."

"That's great, and I hope she doesn't remember."

"I agree, and I hate this for her sake."

"Mike, there is one more thing."

Mike didn't want to hear anymore. "What?"

"We think the shooter knows how the marshals work. He set the tripod facing only the porch. He knew if Lana walked outside we would want her to stay on the porch, and he sat there and waited on her."

"How many people know about this?"

"You, me, Colby, and that's all."

"Be sure to tell Joe, and we will get together with the four of us in the next few hours to discuss this and nobody is to know about our meeting."

"I'll keep you informed," said Raymond.