Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series book 1) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

I was so tired from all the crying I did last night that I slept like a baby. I look at myself in the mirror and thanks to all the crying I did my eyes are blood shot red. They look so swollen that it looks like I got punch. On top of looking like shit I also feel like shit. Talking to Sammy last night made everything worst. I knew that things weren't going to be good but I didn't know how bad it was going to be. “Jane are you almost done?” Sophia knocks on the bathroom door. I can't let her see me right now. I look like a hot mess and knowing her she is going to ask questions. “Yeah” I open the door but keep my eyes on the floor. Thankfully she was still half asleep and didn't notice anything. I walk into my room and before I can even close the door there is a loud knock on the front door that scare me out of my thoughts. “Jane can you get that” Sophia yells from the bathroom. “Yeah” I turn back around. I wonder who can it be. Since I have been here I haven't seen no one come and visit Sophia well not when I am around at least. There is another loud knock on the door and my legs start to shake. Who ever it is obviously is desperate to come in. What if it's my father? My heart start to race and my hands start to shake. No it can't be him Sammy would never betray me like that but what if he trace the call? “Jane!” Sophia yells again. “Yeah I got it” I yell back.

If they are coming for me I am not going down with out a fight. I walk to the kitchen and grab a knife. I hide the knife behind my back walk to the door. Breath Jane on the count of 3 you are going to open the door. 1 I breath in, 2 my hands touch the doorknob, and 3 I open the door. Oh my god the air leaves my lugs as I take in the view in front of me. “Who the hell are you?” the gorgeous man standing there ask as he crosses his arms. He is about 5'8, low black hair, a tan like complexion, with green tea eyes. I might have to change my room color because I think I just found a new favorite color. I can tell he is built by the way his shirt hugs his biceps. He is wearing a white T-shirt and jeans but damn he makes that look good. This man is drop dead gorgeous.

Hands down the best looking man I have ever seen in my life and here I am staring at him like a fool. I think I might even be drooling. “Are you high or deaf?” he ask rudely. What an asshole how can some one look like a god and act like a dick? “Who the hell are you?” I snap. He wants to be rude two can play that game. “You're the one that was knocking on the door” I give him attitude. He croaks his head to the side and stares at me from head to toe. I can feel his green eyes on every part of my body. I feel my knees go weak but I stand my ground. He wants to intimate me but it won't work it will take more than that. I have to admit having his eyes on me is making my skin crawl but I don't shift under his stare.

I'll be damn if I show him how much he affects me. He walks pass me almost shoving me out the way. I try my best not to close my eyes and sniff him. Even the way he walks makes him look arrogant. Who the hell does he thing he is? No matter how sexy he is he has no right to invade my home.

“What the hell,” I slam the door and walk behind him “you can't-”

“I can't what?” he interrupts me as he spins around. His eyes look like they are ready to start a fire. I know that I should be scare of him but it only draws me in like a light bud calls a bug. “Don't tell me what I can or can't do in my-”

“Be Nice Gabe” Sophia comes in to the room “she is my new roommate”. So this is Gabriel she is right I wouldn't want him as a brother. I want him for something else. No nothing else he is an asshole and I don't need more of those in my life. I have met my share of assholes and I don't need to add more to that list. I had enough with Raul to last me a life time. I walk over to the kitchen counter to put the knife away there is no need for this any more. “Sophia you can't just let anyone move in with you. Do you even know her?” his voice comes out tight. It's not like I am eavesdropping he is shouting pretty loud for me to hear. I agree with him about letting some one she doesn't know move in. That's not safe I could have been a killer for all she knows. “Plus she looks like she is high on something don't tell me that you-”

Oh hell no he just cross the damn line. I can understand that he is worry because she doesn't know me but to accuse me of doing drugs it's a different story. I walk up to him “How dare you?” I poke him right in his chest. I know this isn't a good idea but I can't stop myself I'm beyond pissed. “You don't even know me and you are making false accusations. You know what I don't need this”. If I wasn't so mad I would actually enjoy the look of disbelieve he has on his face. He probably can't believe some one as small as me actually confronted some one as big as him. I walk pass him shoving his shoulder the same way he shoved me earlier. I try walking towards my room but Sophia steps in my way. I'm so close to pushing her out my way but it's not her fault she has an ass as a brother. “No Jane stay” she turns to face Gabriel “If you want to keep coming over then you have to apologize to Jane for being an asshole and FYI if her eyes are red is because she was crying,” she turns back to me “We'll talk about that later”. I drop my gaze to the floor feeling embarrass. It's bad enough she knows I was crying but now he knows too. He is probably going to think I'm some weak girl he can push around when ever he feels like it. Well he has some thing else coming his way if he thinks that. “Today Jr.” she scowls at him while tapping her foot on the floor. I can't help but to turn around and stare at him. He rubs the back of his neck. He looks like a little boy who got caught doing something bad. If I wasn't so mad I probably be laughing at him. “I'm sorry for talking to you the way I did and for the things I said” he says never making eye contact with me. I know that he isn't being sincere he just saying it to make Sophia happy. I really don't care for his sucky ass apology he can shove that right up his ass. “Uh-huh it's fine Ape” I walk away giving him the same sincere tone he gave me. “It's Gabe” I hear him say. I throw my hand in the air dismissing him “I really don't care”. I slam my door making it clear that he urks my nervous. What a complete asshole I'm so furious that my blood is boiling. How can a complete stranger push my buttons so fast? I really have to control my anger before I end up killing my roommate's brother. You can't deny that Gabe the Ape is one good looking motherfuc-the voice inside my head snaps . Okay he is good looking but he is still an asshole. Why can't I stop thinking of that ass face? I turn on the TV trying to distract myself from thinking of a pair of green eyes. A few minutes later there is a small knock on my door. I pause the movie and open the door.

“Come out to the living room I promise he will behave”

Sophia says. Even tho I'm dying to see him again I don't think it's a good idea to go. “I don't think that is a good idea Sofy” I call her by the nickname I gave her. Hopefully that will help my case. I'm still calming down from out first encounter.

“Please Jane give him one more chance. He isn't that bad when you get to know him I swear. I need for you two to get along for my sake” she pouts. I feel bad for her she is the one that is stuck in the middle of all of this. She grabs my hand and drags me to the living room before I can say no again.

Gabriel is sitting down on the sofa with one leg on top of the table. He looks like a model getting ready to be photograph.

He sees me coming and follows my movement like a hunter does his pray. I stop in front of the sofa and cross my arms daring him to start some thing. He just looks at me and grins.

I hate him! “I am really sorry about earlier but you have to admit you weren't all that nice either Rambo” he says motioning towards the kitchen. I guess I wasn't as sneaky as I thought and got caught with the knife. How embarrassing is that. I bite down on my bottom lip trying to stop myself from laughing. Sophia stares at me and then at Gabriel trying to figure out what we are talking about. Gabriel winks at me and I feel some thing turning in my stomach. I'm probably hungry or something. “Fine I'm sorry Cesar (from plant of the apes)” I roll my eyes trying to hide my amusement. I walk all the way to the end of the sofa far away from him and take a seat. “By the way let me introduce myself the right way. My name is Gabriel but my friends call me Gabe” he smirks. Damn him and that smirk. “I am Jane” I give him a small fake smile. Sophia is in the middle of us just turning her head towards the one that is speaking. I wish she can say something because the silent is uncomfortable. “So Jane what's your story” he finally ask after a while. His questions catches me of guard. He scans my face trying to read my expression but I keep my poker face on. I have a mean poker face thanks to many years of practicing with my dad.

“Excuse me?” I ask when I finally get my voice under control.

“Sophia tells me that you just moved to New York. Why New York?” he arch his eyebrow. His eyes never leaving my face.

“It was a last moment kind of thing” I play with my necklace.

I need to keep myself distracted. “Where are you from?” he looks at my hands and then back up to my eyes. I feel like I'm being interrogated. His stare is making me uncomfortable in so many ways. Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? “From a small town now leave her alone you sound like a cop”

Sophia jumps in. I can't be any more thankful that she did.

“Fine,” he stands up and I take that moment to scan him from head to toe. God he is perfect expect for when he opens his mouth of course. I wonder if he would be the perfect match if he was a mute. “I have to get back to work I'll see you later”

he talks to Sophia but his eyes never leave me. Sophia walks him to the door and gives him a hug “Be safe”. I can tell how much they love each other. He might be an asshole to everyone else but he is different with Sophia. That much I can tell by just looking at them together. Right before he leaves he turns to face me “Nice to meet you G.I Jane”. I try my best not to smile at him even tho that's all I want to do.

“Wish I could say the same King Louie” I give him a smirk.

He chuckles and I feel some thing inside my chest as he close the door behind him. I must be getting sick first the stomach and know my chest. I should go the the pharmacy and buy some medicine to be prepare just in case. “King Louie?”

Sophia laughs “From the Jungle Book I knew you were funny but Bravo” she claps her hands. I stand up to take a bow “Thank you thank you”. She walks back to me “I know that he can come off as an asshole but he really is a good person and he approves of you even if he doesn't say it”. Was she in the same room as I was? Did I miss something here? “If that's the way he shows that he approves than I would hate to see when he disapprove” I walk to the kitchen. If he can be more than the asshole he was to me then I want nothing to do with him. Not that I want anything to do with him now. “He isn't that bad he is just a little over protected that's all” she follows. I can understand him it would have been nice having an older brother looking out for me when I was growing up. “So what happen last night?” she sits across the kitchen counter. I was really hoping she would let that go but I guess that ain't going to happen. “Nothing why?” I pour out some coffee acting like I don't know what she is talking about. “Well due to the fact that your eyes were red this morning I can tell that you were crying unless you were smoking some ganja and I doubt that because I didn't smell any” she says. I take a sip of my coffee. It has been a long morning and my brain doesn't function without it. “Just a little home sick” I set le telling her half of the story. She walks over to me and gives me a one arm hug “Aw Jane why didn't you say anything? Why don't you call your father?”. I lay my head on her shoulder letting her confront me. “I don't think that's a good idea” I say knowing damn well it's not a good idea. I'm not even sure if he would want to talk to me in the first place. “If your father is anything like my mother then I'm sure he'll forgive you for leaving just give it a try” she squeeze me into her. I doubt her mother is anything like my father. “I'll think about it” I lie. “You know what will cheer you up?” she ask and I shake my head. “Some fast food, junk food, and movies” she smiles. Every time Sammy and I would have a bad day we always snuggle up in bed and watch movies all day. “Sounds good to me” I smile. “Let operation dont-let-Jane-miss-her-family begin” she says as she reaches for her phone.