Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series book 1) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

I can't believe it has been 2 weeks since I first moved in. The days went by so fast that I didn't even notice. I can't remember the last time I was this happy and content with my life. Sophia and I grow closer and closer every day. She has quickly become the friend that I've always wanted. She is so out going and blunt. I still miss Sammy a lot but being around Sophia helps me miss her less. Not that Sophia can replace Sammy but she distracts me from missing her.

“Remember stay calm and be your self. The boss isn't that bad but he is a hottie” Sophia is trying to calm me down. I have my first job interview today and I am freaking out. I have never had a job before so I really don't know what to expect.

“You'll do just fine” she walks me to the back for my interview. She knocks on the door “Come in” a male voice answer. I feel my breakfast trying to come back up, my hands are clammy, and I can't stop fidgeting. Sophia opens the door for me “Good luck” she winks and pushes me into the room. I'm so thankful that she push me because I don't think I'm able to walk. I close the door behind me “Hi” I say so low I don't think he herd me. “Hi” the man lifts his head up from the desk and to my surprise it's Mark. “Jane?,” he seems as surprise as I am. “It's nice to see you again” he smile.

I'm so happy to see Mark that all my nervous just banish away. “Mark what are you doing here?” I ask. He points to the empty chair for me to sit “Well I am suppose to be interviewing please take a sit”. That reminds me what I'm doing here. “Of course” I take a sit. I remember him telling me that he had a few business. “So how is New York treating you?” he ask. “So far so good even tho it's an expensive city” I answer. New York is full of small business how small is the world out that of all the places to work in I end up in one of Mark's shop. Honestly I though I was never going to see him again. I'm glad to see him again I actually like him he was the first friendly face I met. “Well that's why we are here let's get this interview started” he takes out a pen and paper. The interview was about 30 minutes long. He asked me if I ever worked before if I had any experience which I answer with the truth but he said it was okay that he'll be happy to teach me. We spend another 30 minutes catching up. He told me about his family business how this was one of many shops they own. He ask me how I met Sophia and I told him every thing from the beginning. “Well Jane it was a pleasure seeing you again and I'll see you around. Don't be fool by gossip I am not that bad of a boss” he jokes. “Thanks Mark you won't regret it” I shake his hand and walk out. “That was pretty long,” Sophia runs to me as soon as I step out the room “did you at least get the job?”. I put on my sad face trying to fool her. “Well what he say?” she shakes my arms. “I got the job” I yell a little to loud. She hugs me and we spin around jumping and screaming like the pair of girls that we are.


“How was your first day of work?” Sophia ask as I walk in.

“Good” I throw myself onto the sofa. I have been working for about a week now. I love my new job I like meeting new people. “Liam is a sweetheart but Maggie seems antisocial” I answer. Liam works with us and Maggie is the manager. She has been giving me a hard time since I started and I have no idea why. When Mark is around she is all nice and sweat but once he is gone that bitch goes evil. “Maggie is a bitch point blank” she says and I agree. “I'm so tired I am going to shower and call it a night” I stand up to leave. My body still hasn't gotten use to 8 hours shift. Maggie works me like a manic I don't know if it's just cause I'm new or because I'm me. “Okay see you tomorrow goodnight” I hear her call after me. It's been a long day my feet are killing me and I feel so exhausted. After I shower I jump in to my bed that feels like heaven. I never want to leave it thank god I don't have to work tomorrow. I can't believe how much my life has change over a few days. Everything seems to be falling into place. I pick up my phone and make the one phone call I have been dying to make.

“Hello” Sammy answers on the third ring. She sounds exactly the same as when I left.

“Hi” I whisper.

“Oh my gosh Jane! Where the hell are you? Why did you leave? It's been almost a month-?”

“Sammy stop and breath. I am okay don't tell no one you are talking to me okay don't say my name out loud” I interrupt her before she asks a million of questions.

“Okay but where are you and why did you leave?” she ask again.

“Sammy I can't tell you where I am and I left because I was tired of always being cage up” I say as I play with my sheets.

I can't tell her the real reason why I left with out exposing our dads and there is no way I can tell here where I am.

“Tio is really upset Jane. All he wants is to be left alone and locked up in his office I have never seen him like this before he doesn't talk to no one not even my dad” she says. I knew that me leaving was going to hurt him but I didn't know how he was going to react. I thought he was going to be mad at every one but I never once thought he was going to be sad. I start moving my eyes around my room trying to hold my tears back. I can't start crying right now because I know I won't be able to stop.

“Do you hate him?” she softly ask.

I feel like some one just punch me in my gut. How can she think that I hate my dad? What kind of person does she think I am?

“Of course not Sammy don't you ever say that again. I love him with all my heart and it's killing me being away from him and from all of you but I needed this please Sam keep an eye on him and please don't tell no one I called promise me”

my voice cracks. I run my finger under my eye and wipe the tear that escape.

“I promise prima are you going to call me again?” she shyly ask.

“Yea I am going to keep calling to check up on you and on dad okay?” my voice sounds shaky. I need to get my emotions under control and fast.

“I miss you Jane” her voice cracks and I know she is about to cry. I close my eyes trying to concentrate on my breathing.

“I miss you too Sam I have to go call you soon love you bye” I hang up because I can't control myself anymore. It hurts to know that my father is miserable. I really do miss all my family. I miss hanging with Sammy and cooking with Nina. I even miss eating dinner with my dad no matter where he was he always made in it time for dinner. I have never been away from them not even for a day yet along weeks. I turn off the lights and snuggle in bed. For the first time since I been away from home I cried myself to sleep.