Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series book 1) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

I'm so exhausted I been working all week with out a day off. “The real world sucks” I throw my self on to the sofa.

“Tell me about it” Sophia lands right next to me. Her phone rings and she answers. “Hello” it's Gabe she mouth to me.

“Oh no really?” she sounds concern. “What happen?” I quickly ask. I hope he isn't hurt. “How long is it going to take?” she ask. I tap her leg and ask her again with my hand what's going on. She puts up her finger indicating for me to hold on “You can stay here until it's fix”. I start to shake my leg waiting for her to inform me. “Yeah I don't think she'll mind” she turns to me and I shake me head. I don't know what she is talking about but I don't mind. “Just come over” she hangs up. “What happen? Is he okay?” I quickly ask.

“Yeah he is fine a water pipe broke in his apartment and he has no where to go. I hope you don't mind if he stays here for a couple of days?” she ask. I shake my head “Of course not don't be silly he can stay as long as he has to it's fine with me,” I get up “I'm going to shower want to order something to eat?”.

“Chinese?” she picks up her phone. “You know me so well” I walk away. Having Gabe stay with us is only going to confuse my feelings even more. I don't know if I hate him or if I don't hate him. Okay I'm lying I know that I don't hate him. Neither of us have brought up what happen that night or I should say what didn't happen. Some part of me is still sad that he didn't kiss me but the other side feels relief. I can't let myself fall for Gabe or anyone else because I don't know how long I am going to be here. I know that once my father finds out where I am he will come looking for me and I refuse to put Gabe or Sophia in danger. I'm surprise he hasn't found me yet. I hop out the shower and change into a white tank top and my pajamas. “I order already Gabe is going to pick it up on his way” Sophia informs me. “Kay” I snuggle on to the sofa and look for a movie. 20 minutes later there is a knock on the door. “I got it” I jump off the sofa like I was on fire. “Delivery” Gabe is standing there leaning against the door frame with one arm above his head and a bag of food in the other one. Where the hell is Ashley when I need her to trip me so I can fall right into his lips. I smile and grab the bag. “No tip?” he frowns. “Yeah next time don't be late” I turn around. “Well at least I got you to smile that's enough payment for me” he walks in with his backpack.

“Soso I'm here” he calls out and Sophia walks out her room.

“Hey Gabbie” she hugs him. “Soso? Gabbie?” I look at them and laugh. They both look at me “Shut up that's our nicknames for each other” Sophia sticks out her tongue.

“Okay Soso let's eat,” I turn to Gabe “You can leave your bag in my room if you like Gabbie” I couldn't help myself. He chuckles “What have we done?” he shakes his head as he walks to my room. Sophia takes out 3 plates and I set the table up for us to eat. “So the fair is in town this weekend”

Gabe says as he pour out some soda. “Really?” my face lights up. I have never been to a fair before but I don't say that out loud. “We should go we all have off this weekend” Sophia says. “Oh my god we should go it will be so fun” I jump with excitement. Gabe and Sophia are staring at me like I am crazy but I don't care I'm to excited. “I'm going to take a wild guess here,” Sophia takes a sip from Gabe's soda “I'm guessing you never been to a fair before”. There is no point in me lying to them. “Nope never” I feel embarrass in admitting that. “Are you like Amish or something?” she ask.

“Or something” I take a sip of my soda trying to avoid this conversation. “So how about Saturday?” thank you Gabe for jumping in. “I can't wait” I feel like a 9 year old. After dinner we all go to the living room and watch some TV Sophia sits in between Gabe and me. “I'm off to bed” Sophia kisses Gabe on his cheek and gives me a hug. “Night Soso” she flicks me her middle finger. Gabe laughs “You aren't going to let me see the end of this one are you?”.

“I'm afraid not” I giggle. “If it makes you laugh then I'm up for a little tease” he takes off his shoes and puts his feet on top of the table. “Thank you for not teasing me about the fair” I play with my hands. “I know you had it ruff. You haven't told Sophia?” he turns to face me. I sink in to the sofa “She knows that my dad was strict but she doesn't know how bad it really was”. I really haven't gotten into much details about my father with any of them. The less they know about him the better for everyone. He runs his hand through his hair “Well that's over now I'm personality going to make sure you experience everything you want”. He is so sweet. I beam “Another job? How are you going to keep up with all of this?”. He really doesn't have to try so hard for me to like him. He smiles “You'll be surprise what I can do”. I have a feeling that has a second meaning. “Would you like a pillow or a blanket?” I change the subject. “That would be nice thank you” he smiles and I turn into a puddle of water. I walk to my room and grab a pillow and a blanket. “Here,” I throw them to him I don't want to get to close to him “I'm sorry if they smell like me”. I didn't have any clean sheet. He brings the sheet to his nose and inhales it “Mmm smells like some kind of fruity body wash”. Did he really just sniff them when I just told him that they smell like me? I glance at him “Your such a weirdo”. He chuckles “Can I get some thing out my bag?”. He doesn't have to ask to go get some thing from his bag but I appreciate the gesture. “Of course you can dummy” I say. We walk to the room and I sit on my bed while he walks into the closet. I inspect him as he bends down and looks through his bag. I take in the view of his wide shoulders and broad back as he moves. The way his muscles stretch every time he digs in. The way his shirt lifts up. Every time he leans in his black boxers appear. It's like they are playing pick-a-boo with me. His ass is round and perky I'm dying to bite it. Is it me or is it getting hot in here?

I start fanning myself. “Pervert!” Gabe snaps and takes me by surprise. Oh shit how embarrassing I feel my cheeks burning. “What are you talking about?” I try to play it off.

“I'm talking about you checking me out like if I'm some piece of meat” he walks towards me and it's getting harder for my to swallow. “See anything you like?” he steps closer and my breathing gets heavier. If he only knew I like everything I see. He leans down and I hold my breath “Do you?” he ask again. I stare at his eyes and then his lips he turns his head to the side and plants a soft kiss on my cheek. “Goodnight Muffin”. I push him away “Muffin?”. Since when do we have nick names for each other? “I got to admit I like the taste of your muffin” he wiggles his eyebrows. I throw a pillow at him “Night Gabbie”. He catch the pillow and right before he close the door he winks “Good night I hope you dream with little angles and then you can let me know how I look like with wings”. Before I can even throw anything else at him he close the door. I throw my head back into my pillow and smile from ear to ear. I don't know how I'm going to survive having him around. Just friends remember that's all I can give him. Or can I give him more? I'm driving myself crazy!

I turn off the light and played some music hopefully I can fall asleep. I twist and turn for hours I glance at the clock and it's 2:45 am. Ugh maybe if I drink a warm glass of milk it will help me sleep. I open my door and walk to the kitchen in my tippy toes trying not to make noise. The last thing I need is to wake Gabe up. I pour some milk and heat it up in the microwave. When I was younger that always help me sleep at night. I stop it before it beeps I feel like I'm on a mission and have to deactivate the bomb before it blows every one up. As I walk back to my room I stop to check on Gabe to see if he needs anything. I know that I shouldn't but I can't help it. He is sleeping with out a shirt I finally get to see what he is working with. His chest is so firm and he has a 6 pack his lines are well form. God he is so sexy. He is exposing his fine hip bone that makes me want to remove the blanket to see it fully. I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I grab the blanket and cover him he must be cold. I stare at him one last time he looks so peaceful sleeping. He looks like a little boy his face expression is so soft. He looks so vulnerable. Before I knew what I was doing I brush his hair back. I lick my lips fighting the urge to lean in and kiss him I bet his lips are soft. As I pull my hand away he flinch. Oh fuck please don't wake up. “Shh” I chant like if he was a baby and I slowly make my escape. That was a close one. “Thank you” I hear Gabe say as I close my door. Shit he was up the whole time that asshole. I drink my milk and as soon as I hit the bed I knock out. I wake up to my annoying alarm clock at 6:00 am. I only got 3 hours of sleep so of course I have no energy to jump out of bed. Instead I roll out of bed landing on the floor. Ouch! I growl as I hit the floor. I have no energy to walk so I decide to crawl my way to the closet. I crawl with my eyes close I hear my door open.

“What the hell are you doing?” Gabe ask. “Coffee” I whisper.

“What?” he steps closer. “Coffee” I repeat. He laughs and walks away. After I shower and change I felt like a new me.

“Well look who finally remember how to use their legs” Gabe hands me a cup of coffee. “Thank you funny boy” I bring the coffee up to my nose and inhale it in. There is something about the smell of coffee that relax me. I'm surprise he made my coffee just the way I take it. “How did you know how I like my coffee?” I ask. “I didn't I just made it the way I drink it” he raise his mug. Sophia walks in “Coffee is life right now”. Gabe hands her a black coffee “Well I'm off to work”

he says. “Where is your work stuff?” Sophia ask. He gives her an evil eye “It's in the car”. I still don't know what he does for a living but I'm not even going to ask. “See you later Gabbie be careful” she smiles. “Always,” he turns to me “See you at lunch time Muffin” I smile and look away. “Muffin?” Sophia teased. I shake my head “Shut up it's a inside joke Soso” I use her nickname against her. “Fine I won't call you Muffin if you stop with the Soso” she says. I need to think about this I really enjoy calling her Soso but I refuse to let her call me muffin. “Deal” I shake her hand.